Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm back

Hey all,

its been a while but I've been muy busy with uni and the whatnot. Had a family luncheon thingy at which i was awarded cash and prizes to the value of $240. Thanks family you rock!

There's a hole in the arse of my pants about the size of a 20c piece at the moment. For anyone that knows me you'll be aware that I only posess one functioning pair of pants so this is a sad occasion indeed. Looks like family money will be spent on pants.

Only 7 weeks to go and my degree is finished. Its kinda creepy. I might actually have to get a job soon *gasp*

My new favourite saying is "Colder than a penguins third nipple" Hoping to use it in conversation before the week is out.

I made a comment in one of my previous posts about how normally placid animals have a thing for attacking or urinating on me. Remind me to explain that by reliving traumatic childhood experiences in a future post.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Nothing much to report...

Yeah haven't updated in a while so here's whats been happening...




...I knew there was a reason I hadn't been updating...

Bottom fiendoo where are are yooou?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

God Bless Libra

The word Lethologica describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.

Got that off a panty liner...

mmm soooo soft and absorbent...and sticky on one side which is disturbing.

Yes it was an unused one thank you very much. You sickos...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


There you are your word for the day

Teleology n. The study of evidence for the idea of design or purpose in nature.

So you could say if you were of a certain persuasion that "All christians are teleologists as they seek to impose on nature a design or purpose through the idea of a divine will"

Thats the best example I could come up with...

Use it on someone who thinks they is smart and confuse the shit out of them.

Arsetard refers to one who is stupid, imbecilic, asinine, docile or vapid as opposed to an astard (Bastard without a B) someone who was born out of wedlock or who is just being a prick.

I also envisage the word being used in politer company where the word Fucktard would be unacceptable.


...and death to America.

Monday, August 15, 2005

From the fevered mind of me...

I have created a new word... Arsetard

'Tis an unholy combination of Arsehole and Retard, their bastard child if you will

Go forth my children and use it at will

Some possible uses of Arsetard:

"You, sir, are an Arsetard."

"Arsetard!" an exclamation of surprise or alarm, from the back of the throat...

I need sleep.


Not much interesting happening. Had dinner with my aunt the other night. Found out that she had considered shouting me a trip to a brothel for my birthday. Not sure how to take that...

I spose one consolation is she thinks I'm straight. Which is good cause a couple of times there my other aunt may have been trying to suggest that she thought I was gay...

Which I'm not...

*cough* Manly!

Hey ladies...*wink* you doin?

I miss you bottom fiend...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Don't worry...found it...

Yeah its ok everyone can stop looking.

go here for a little description.

turns out it's two camel spiders...

Its still creepy...

I wish I knew

Can anybody tell me what in the hell this is?

I count 8 pairs of legs at least.

It could be 2 of whatever it is.


Monday, August 08, 2005

A response...

Yes i do believe in freedom of speech...

As long as it is not derogatory or defamatory to anyone.

Professor Fraser's comments, and I will admit i have been unable to find an original copy of his letter, as far as i can tell, were sweeping generalisations without any evidence. I am not satisfied with having to rely on quotes from the letter as i understand that certain sentences can be taken out of context but from what i can see his claims that letting in black african immigrants will lead to higher crime rates due to their below average IQ were made without providing any reference to a source, reliable or otherwise, for this information.

Fraser, as an academic, should know better.

Just discovered an article that mentions that he referenced a psychology journal where some researchers made a link between heredity and IQ. Incidentally there was a contradictory article in the same issue...

I can't get over his audacity at claiming that non white people could never call themselves Australians like the Anglo-celtic first settlers. Does he discount the indigenous population that has been here, even at conservative estimates, 100x longer than europeans? Most of the things he claims are down to race are due to social and other environmental factors, such as socio-economic status, level of education etc. NOT race. Should we be turning away the Irish because we don't want to invite Catholic-protestant violence into our community?

In summing up this is not freedom of speech this is a man putting forward a personal issue using his "authority" as an academic to validate his words.

Rant over.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Caffeinated Soap!

I shit you not.


Just finished watching the second season of The Coupling last night. Strongly recommend you watch all of them if you get a chance.

Then the title of this post will make sense and result in riotous laughter.

Learnt a new word from Absolutely Fabulous. Flapsnot

A definition of which can be found here.

Warning! not for the squeamish or easily offended...Remember it's ME telling you this. Mr. Inappropriate. Remember the cow story?

Its now my life's ambition to use the terms "flapsnot" and "snerk" in a sentence...

"Hehe I said flapsnot..." *snerk*

Well thats good i can spend the rest of my life in bed now.

In other news tried to teach myself some Hendrix...didn't work.

Got the start of Purple Haze tho. Rock! \m/

Am listening to TOOL at the moment. Have decided i want to start learning the drums.

*scrabbling for something interesting to write about*

ooh ooh i know went to the UQ (University of Queensland) open day today. Found out I have virtually no interest in doing physiotherapy, audiology, occupational therapy or speech pathology post grad.

which is good. narrows it down a bit.

Oh and i think that Professor Andrew Fraser should be deported for this

I might do a rant about him tomorrow. Oh yeah and i think the cow story should be published too.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The blue thing is a troll...

yeah i just thought this was funny...

a more loquacious blog will be soon as something happens...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Improved this movie it has...

All you Star Wars fans go here for much hilarity. All you non Star Wars fans go here

...also for much hilarity.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Caution: Bowl and soup may be hot to handle.

It was on the can of soup i had for dinner...

Mistress Fiend as i will refer to you from now on...

If you don't translate my message you'll never know what i asked :(

Its ok you answered my question with an affirmative anyway.

I'm fairly certain you are part of the 'biotech crew'and now i know you have a thing for making up words.

I'm going to have to assume that at some stage you will reveal yourself to me as it seems that asking you wasn't enough...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So pathetic but its late...

agggattcgg gcctgggact gtgtctgtcg cccatggccg ccgcgctgct cgcccgggcc tcgggccctg cccgcagagc tctctgtcct agggcctggc ggcagttaca caccatctac cagtctgtgg aactgcccga gacacaccag atgttgctcc agacatgccg ggactttgcc gagaaggagt tgtttcccat tgcagcccag gtggataagg aacatctctt cccagcggct caggtgaaga agatgggcgg gcttgggctt ctggccatgg acgtgcccga ggagcttggc ggtgctggcc tcgattacct ggcctatgtg gattcttctc atcggtgaaa ctgctcatat aaataccgcg ggagccatca actttattga aaacgattag acgccatcgc catggaggag atcagccgtg gctgcgcctc caccggagtc atcatgagtg tcaacaactc tctctacctg gggcccatct tgaagtttgg ctccaaggag cagaagcagg cgtgggtcac gcctttcacc agtggtgaca aaattggctg ctttgccctc agcgaaccag ggaacggcag tgatgcagga gctgcgtcca ccaccgcccg ggccgagggc gactcatggg ttctgaatgg aaccaaagcc tggatcacca atgcctggga ggcttcggct gccgtggtct ttgccagcac ggacagagcc ctgcaaaaca agggcatcag tgccttcctg gtccccatgc caacgcctgg gctcacgttg gggaagaaag aagacaagct gggcatccgg ggctcatcca cggccaacct catctttgag gactgtcgca tccccaagga cagcatcctg ggggagccag ggatgggctt caagatagcc atgcaaaccc tggacatggg ccgcatcggc atcgcctccc aggccctggg cattgcccag accgccctcg attgtg

Muhahaha! find my message if you can...

I should be at uni...

Eating porridge while listening to Hendrix is fun :)

More fun than it should be...

Ooh wait...

...dun dun doo, du-dun dun doo, du-dun doo...Foxy!

...dun dun doo, du-dun dun doo, du-dun doo...Foxy!

...I'm back, sorry Foxy Lady cannot be ignored. Must dance. And yes I am in my underwear and if my male housemate were here he would be in his underwear too and we would be having pillowfights because the girls are out...


Bottom like...


I think the porridge has clogged my brain. It not work properly.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Putting the word out on the streets...Braaaaains...

Hey folks Joe has just had a brainwave...mmm Braaaains...

Joe: We need a zombie weekend

Dan: How exactly would this operate?

Joe: Some of us would dress like zombies and eat nothing but brain like stuff...and we'd go out in public and be all "RRRR"

Dan: Totally and we could watch all of Romero's films

Joe: YEAH! Rock!

Joe: Blog it you fuck

so in summing up we should have a zombie weekend possibly culminating in a viewing of Land of the Dead or whatever it is thats coming out soon by George A. Romero.

What do we think children? Zombie good? or Zombie baaaad?

The story becomes ever more viscous...

How to respond, how to respond...

First off some clues about our interloper (assuming there is one). Firstly they chose to write their message using an RNA sequence. The difference between DNA and RNA is that DNA uses the four bases Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine while RNA uses Uracil instead of Thymine. This may mean something as it takes effort to do this. Most codon encoders use DNA as the bases of choice. Secondly they were thoughtful enough to put a stop codon in at the end. A stop codon tells the ribosome (the thing that makes proteins using the code supplied from mRNA) to stop producing protein, that it is finished. Thirdly the most common form of RNA in a cell is mRNA or messenger RNA. The DNA in the cell nucleus gets copied into mRNA and then the mRNA makes its way out of the nucleus and finds a ribosome where it is translated into protein. The significance of this is that they were writing me a message using messenger RNA.

Oh so geeky.

I love it.

Not that I'm encouraging "The Interloper"

...'cause y'know lame and all that...

anyways after that happy little molecular biology lesson on to Bottom Fiend his or herself (i'm leaning towards female). In your happy little ditty you wrote that you have only posted twice well i count three not inlcuding last nights. Are you only counting from your first verses onwards? is this a mistake? are you toying with me? (i knew it was female) or maybe your poetic skills were not up to including the number three (you could have used thrice) Anyways i will post a message in reply when i get the time that will separate the Biotechnologists from the Journalism majors...

i.e. those that actually do biotech (most of my friends) from those that can just research well (the rest of my friends)