Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry NDHP

Merry Non-Denominational Holiday Period everyone!

Unless something extraordinary happens, like...I hook up with Megan Gale on New Years, this should be my last post for the year.

Thanks for everything everyone.

I hate to admit it but I'd die without your conversation, company and ability to keep me from slipping further into the pit of madness our times and circumstances seem to be encouraging the rest of humankind to dip its toe in from time to time :)

Good Luck and Good Night...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Honours Update

Found out yesterday that my honours with Dr. Jon is going ahead as planned...Yay!

Turns out my marks have improved enough that he knows I'm taking it seriously so he's happy to let me in the lab. All thats left now is for my marks for the last four subjects that comprise honours in my current degree to come in and for me to sit down with the other staff and students I'll be working with and make sure we all get along.

I'll be based at IHBI (pronounced Libby without the L) which will be cool. Brand spanking new research institute to play with :)

My project will involve modifying a protein called Ghrelin so that it has a longer shelf life when stored and a longer half life in vivo.

In other honours news the honours project I had lined up for this degree has begun. I finally got my NDA signed and handed in and my supervisor has begun to feed me the information I need to start. This includes a 60 page patent and a couple of presentations given to various boards and VC's to start with.

So thats all thats happened to me so far. Things are finally starting to take off :)

'til next time...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A New Story

Here's an update...

I've been working like a dog doing about 35hrs over 4 days a week for the last 2 weeks at the OCS. Took a day off here and there to you know, pay rent, shift my crap from my old room to my new room that sort of stuff. Spent 2 days last week going over some entries done by another person. Around about 75 entries and not one of them was right. I don't even know the guy and I wanted to punch him in the face.

To the 3 drunk guys outside my window who kept me awake until 2 in the morning on Thursday night,

Get Stuffed



QUT gets a bit funny with their pay schedule during the holidays but they very kindly sent eveyone an e-mail on Friday the 25th of November telling everyone that the cutoff for handing in your timesheets for the week ending November the 25th was November the 24th. Now be aware that QUT pays fortnightly. I was hoping to be paid on the 30th, a Wednesday but this e-mail stated that cutoff for payment on the 21st of December was the 24th of November. Now I have several problems with this.

1. The date between lodging your time sheet and actually being paid is a month. Normally you lodge on friday and are paid the next Wednesday that is a pay day, whether that is 5 days later or 12. I just have this question... WTF mate? What happens to all those people that don't get paid one fortnight? Surely there can't be that huge an influx of payslips and an eflux of staff that they can't process pay normally. Maybe I'm missing something. Anyone care to give me a reason?

2. I'm baffled by the fact they expect you to predict your hours. Why make your cut off on a Thursday when all the time sheets expect you to give hours for the week ending on a Friday? What? you claim that day on the next time sheet which means you don't get paid for that day until a fortnight after the 21st of december? That's the 4th of January. That means you get paid for work done on the 25th of November on the 4th of January. Thats messed up. Alternatively you make up some hours for Friday which means when you sign the time sheet you run the risk of being fired for defrauding QUT. Thats messed up.

3. They told us the day after the timesheets were supposedly due that they were due. As it turned out I couldn't hand my sheet in on friday anyway because there were none of the 3 people that could have signed off on it in at 3pm. So I rang the pay office and they told me if I got it handed in by 3pm Monday I'd still be paid by the 21st of December.

So we'll have to wait and see...

In other news...

Me and Alice broke up, nuff said. Lyss comes back tomorrow. Yay! I start my honours project tomorrow. Yay!

Honours should be fun...I love reading 60 page patents. On the bright side the technology is cool. Sweet, sweet affinity maturation...

Oh and these are my marks:
LSB619 Genomics and Bioinformatics 85% 7
LSB609 Medical Biotechnology II 75% 6
LSB677 Plant Biotechnology II 66% 5
BSB311 Research, Development and Commercialisation Strategies 73% 5 (curses!)

And prolly the best of all is that it looks like I can still do honours. If I get straight 6's (thats a distinction or 75-84%) for the four subjects that comprise honours then my GPA rises to 5 (a credit or 65-74%) or just above and I get 2B honours. Straight 6's should not be hard for these honours subjects.

Well I think thats everything. Merry Christmas and good luck everyone...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Today I bathed a fish...

Yes you read correctly. I bathed a fish. I gave my little finned bru a bath...choice.

I wasn't aware you could bathe a fish but, there you go, the things you learn. All it takes is a cup, some tap water and this stuff called "Neutraliser" and hey presto! a fish bath

Also the Library was closed at uni for most of the day today due to a chlorine spill. Nice.

Jon and anybody else who's curious can go here to find out more about YSA and last but not least I have put up a link to cool flash christmas card over in the cool stuff section, you can also find it here