Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So pathetic but its late...

agggattcgg gcctgggact gtgtctgtcg cccatggccg ccgcgctgct cgcccgggcc tcgggccctg cccgcagagc tctctgtcct agggcctggc ggcagttaca caccatctac cagtctgtgg aactgcccga gacacaccag atgttgctcc agacatgccg ggactttgcc gagaaggagt tgtttcccat tgcagcccag gtggataagg aacatctctt cccagcggct caggtgaaga agatgggcgg gcttgggctt ctggccatgg acgtgcccga ggagcttggc ggtgctggcc tcgattacct ggcctatgtg gattcttctc atcggtgaaa ctgctcatat aaataccgcg ggagccatca actttattga aaacgattag acgccatcgc catggaggag atcagccgtg gctgcgcctc caccggagtc atcatgagtg tcaacaactc tctctacctg gggcccatct tgaagtttgg ctccaaggag cagaagcagg cgtgggtcac gcctttcacc agtggtgaca aaattggctg ctttgccctc agcgaaccag ggaacggcag tgatgcagga gctgcgtcca ccaccgcccg ggccgagggc gactcatggg ttctgaatgg aaccaaagcc tggatcacca atgcctggga ggcttcggct gccgtggtct ttgccagcac ggacagagcc ctgcaaaaca agggcatcag tgccttcctg gtccccatgc caacgcctgg gctcacgttg gggaagaaag aagacaagct gggcatccgg ggctcatcca cggccaacct catctttgag gactgtcgca tccccaagga cagcatcctg ggggagccag ggatgggctt caagatagcc atgcaaaccc tggacatggg ccgcatcggc atcgcctccc aggccctggg cattgcccag accgccctcg attgtg

Muhahaha! find my message if you can...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, well, what can i say?
Is this really a game you expect me to play?
You think I don't realise what you're trying to do?
Take the number of suspects and cut them in two?
This is devilish, my little man,
You're quite insidious, aren't you Dan?
If I were to solve your little scheme,
You would think I'm from the biotech team.
If I couldn't and didn't have a clue,
You would know I'm from the other crew.
Or could it be that I don't listen in class?
Irregardless, I'm gonna have to say 'pass'

2:19 pm  

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