Thursday, September 29, 2005


Sorry to everyone who might wish to comment on my blog...ever

You will now have an additional step when you want to comment in the form of a word verification this spam comment thing sucks the balls so i gots to filter it.



just wanted to point out that my previous post was NOT a serious request

sorry to disappoint.

I know i have just shattered the dreams of a horde of screaming women but this is the way it has to be.

also if the comment directing me to an online dating site was spam then Fuck Off

If it was genuine then thanks for the thought but no thanks.

The only reason i said what i did is because most people who know me will have heard me proclaim that women are too expensive. I mean you've gotta take them places and buy them things and at $200 an hour i just can't afford that

p.s. i get paid $24.34 an hour to sit on my job ever

Friday, September 23, 2005

It is time...

I gots a job. $20 an hour doing data entry for the Office of Commercial Services at QUT. Should be slightly less stimulating than watching paint dry.

Well seeing as I now have gainful employment, for the next few months at least, I have decided that I can now afford a girlfriend. So ladies if you would like to go out with a funny, intelligent, reasonably good looking guy like myself with a big future in data entry ahead of them then this is what I'm looking for...

1. Breathing

2. Human

3. Female



Saturday, September 10, 2005

I live!

yep...still alive

not that any of you noticed the fact that i hadn't posted in a while

Went to a Biotech/Pharma careers night a coupla days ago. helped set up then spent most of it waiting outside for a guest that was coming late.

Then there was the free alcohol and food. Bonus!

My Head of Department for Science from high school was there. Turns out he's now in charge of Science for education Queensland. He remembered me which was cool, still creepy he was there tho...

we went out afterwards cause the free alcohol dried up pretty quick and these photos are the results...

This is Chris Collet our course co-ordinator, EJ and Brett. Chris came out to the pub with us, how cool is that? Rock!

I was complaining about how painful EJ's flash was so she took another photo...I may also have been mildly intoxicated

This is Bec, Lyss and Kez. The 2 ladies on the right are my housemates and that figure on the far right may or may not be the Dark Lord, Satan himself...or it could just be Nathan a guy who graduated from our course a coupla years ago...I'll let you decide...

This is Bec. She is quirky, mildly evil and very, very obsessed with fire. Good combination.

So yeah it was a good night...