Saturday, May 27, 2006

Obey your Master!

Hey all...

Several things.

1. It was my last day of work yesterday. Very sad as I like the people and the money. Very happy as I no longer have to worry about work.

I got one of these as a going away present...

Unfortunately they only come in XL so its a little bit big. Still the best leaving work present EVER! Though I'm not sure the rest of my colleagues knew what was happening. I got home and put it on then I ended up wearing it to bed because...


yes I'm sick which meant I spent last night huddled into a ball shivering incessantly under about 6 layers of clothing and bedding. It also meant no post work celebration, no cocktails tonight and probably not a whole lot of cleaning this weekend which is bad because I need to cleanup my stuff from around some of the girls' furniture.

2. ...

3. ...


I did have other things but my brain has ceased to function. I'm getting new housemates. 3 guys so the Wilstonhouse is gonna be turned into a stinky boys dungeon :(

Well thats all...I'll try and do something spectacular for my 100th post.


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