Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ok this is gonna take a while...

Ok kiddles I just thought this was awesome and highly entertaining so I'm gonna try and share the whole story here.

Firstly there is this man named Jack Thompson...I know some of you may be thinking of the veteran Australian actor of the same name but the Aussie Jack is like a billion times more cool than this guy. that should give you enough background to go on with but don read the whole thing.

Next as some more background there is this kick arse little discussion between a supposed 14yr old kid and Jack.

What a little trooper if he is 14.

Then came Jack's little spat with Mr. Ramsoomair over at VG cats

Then Jack made a proposal to the gaming industry

Tycho and Gabe over at Penny Arcade! got in on the act after Jacks proposal came out. (look for Jack Thompson and Jack headlines)

A response followed from Jack...

Ably ridiculed by PennyArcade!

Followed by several events...

1) the Founder of The National Institute on Media and the Family releases an open letter telling Jack to back off...

2) Several groups of modders get together and release a couple of mods of GTA: San Andreas that answer Jack's challenge. (I would link to one but their site appears to be down)

3) Jack refuses to cough up the money he had offered because he says his statements were "satirical"

4) Tycho and Gabe give $10,000 in the name of Jack Thompson to the charity they feel the recipient to be, Paul Eibeler, would have chosen, the Entertainment Software Association Foundation...

5) Jack threatens them with legal action for defaming him...

In summing up...

Jack Thompson...

What a Tool...


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